Fitness Training Programs

At Suriya Natural Health, our fitness training programs are more than just workouts. They are a reflection of our commitment to holistic well-being, integrating the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of health. Drawing from years of experience and expertise, we’ve designed programs to cater to diverse needs.

1. Personal Fitness Training:

Stay Healthy

Stay Strong


Our fitness training is for those who aim to incorporate regular exercise into their lives.

Whether you're just starting out or are looking to mix up your existing regimen, this program is tailored to ensure you maintain optimum health.

A man is working out on his biceps in Suriya Natural Health Fitness training in person in Greater Cleveland , Ohio


  • Holistic Health: Improve cardiovascular health, enhance muscle tone, and achieve mental clarity.

  • Mood Enhancer: Experience the natural high from endorphins, reducing stress and elevating mood.

  • Consistency is Key: Get into a rhythm of regular exercise, building habits that last a lifetime.


Sessions can be conducted in person or virtually, making it convenient for you.

Each session will be tailored to your current fitness level and goals, ensuring that you are both challenged and safe.

To discover the full benefits of muscle strength and how it can transform your health, dive into our detailed blog

2. Pain Relief Fitness Training:

Chronic Pain Management


Chronic pain, often manifesting as movement problems, muscle pain, and joint dysfunction, can significantly impact your life.

This specialized pain management program is designed to address these challenges. It uses therapeutic exercises to target and alleviate pain, enabling you to reclaim the joy of movement.

Developed for those struggling with chronic discomfort, the program offers a pathway to improved well-being and pain relief.


  • Targeted Relief: Specific exercises aimed at pain points to relieve and restore function.

  • Knowledge is Power: Learn about the mechanics of your body, and understand how to prevent future pain.

  • Holistic Approach: Combine exercises with relaxation techniques and posture corrections.


This program involves an initial assessment to understand the root of your pain. Sessions are then designed around this assessment, focusing on exercises that relieve and strengthen the body against future discomfort.

Dynamic Stretch &

Flexibility Program


Elevate your body's agility with our Dynamic Stretch & Flexibility Program.

Designed to counteract the stiffness from prolonged sitting and static postures, this program focuses on enhancing your muscles' range of motion, aiding better recovery, and fostering growth.

Our targeted exercises not only improve posture and reduce tension but also significantly lower the risk of injuries over time.

Ideal for desk-bound professionals or anyone looking to boost their athletic prowess, our expert-led sessions are your gateway to a more flexible, resilient, and injury-resistant body.

fit woman is stretching her body part of Stretch and flexibility program at Suriya Natural Health fitness classes in person and online, Westlake , OH.


  • Full Range of Motion: Achieve greater flexibility for daily tasks and athletic activities.

  • Injury Prevention: Regular stretching reduces the risk of muscle strains and other injuries.

  • Posture & Recovery: Improve your posture and expedite muscle recovery post-exercise.

  • Stress Relief: Alleviate stress and tension build-up in muscles.


  • Customized Sessions: Tailored programs to fit individual flexibility levels and goals.

  • Expert Guidance: Professional instruction to ensure safe and effective stretching.

  • Comprehensive Approach: Incorporates various techniques for a holistic flexibility regimen.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Offering sessions to fit into busy lifestyles, available in-person or online.

Join Us on This Journey

Your health and well-being are our utmost priority. Let us guide you on a transformative journey to achieve your fitness goals and live a life full of vitality and joy. Ready to begin?


  • Our pain relief fitness training is suitable for individuals experiencing chronic pain, be it from a past injury, long-term ailment, or unknown causes. It's designed for all age groups and fitness levels, ensuring everyone can benefit from tailored pain management strategies.

  • While both physical therapy and our pain relief fitness training aim to alleviate pain, our program emphasizes holistic well-being, combining fitness with pain management. We focus on integrating exercises that not only target the pain points but also improve overall physical health, ensuring long-term relief and well-being.

  • Not necessarily. While we sometimes recommend tools like resistance bands or foam rollers, many exercises can be performed with just your body weight. If any special equipment is needed, we ensure to provide alternatives or guidance on getting the best tools for your needs.

  • The results vary for each individual. Some clients experience significant pain reduction within weeks, while for others, it might take longer. Consistency and following the program as advised are key to seeing the best results.

Suriya natural Helath Article about Holistic approach to fitness on the press-A Newspaper with a part of Article on the table-
A hand grabs a  Newspaper that has Suriya natural Helath Article about Holistic approach to Fitness on the press

As Seen On the Press

We are thrilled to share the spotlight our approach to health and wellness has received from respected news outlets. Dive into the stories that are bringing our mission to the forefront:

  • "Read About Our Holistic Wellness Approach On FOX40."

  • "Discover Our Cutting-edge Fitness Strategies As Covered By KUTV."

  • "Find Our Comprehensive Weight Management Program On FWNBC."

Unlock the exclusive resources we offer